10am to 11:30
BJJ Fundamentals
10am to 11:30
Drilling/Competition Class
No Gi
10am to 11:30
BJJ Fundamentals
Gi |
11 to 12:30
Drilling/Competition Class
No Gi
11 to 12:30
BJJ Int/Adv
Gi |
11am to 12
BJJ Fundamentals
No Gi |
4:30 to 5:30
No Gi |
4:30 to 5:30
Gi |
4:30 to 5:30
No Gi |
4:30 to 5:30
Gi |
4:30 to 5:30
No Gi |
12 to 2
Open Mat
5:30 to 7:00
BJJ Fundamentals
Gi |
5:30 to 7:00
BJJ Int/Adv
No-Gi |
5:30 to 7:00
BJJ Drilling/Competition Class
Gi |
5:30 to 7:00
BJJ Int/Adv
Gi |
5:30 to 7:00
BJJ Drilling/Competition Class
No Gi |
7:00 to 8:00
No Gi
7:00 to 8:00
BJJ Fundamentals
Gi |
7:00 to 8:00
7:00 to 8:00
BJJ Fundamentals
Gi | 7:00 to 8:00
| | | | | | |
Class Information
Gi - Class in the Gi or Kimono
No Gi - Class in a T-shirt
or Rash Guard and Athletic Shorts
Cameron Diffley - Adult BJJ/MMA
Daniel Almodovar
- BJJ Kids and Adults
Chris Russel - Kickboxing/MMA
BJJ Fundamentals:
Our Fundamentals Class is designed to cover the skills and positions that you will be using from white to black belt. This is where we recommend that all of our beginners start, but this is not a watered down basics class. This class covers Jiu Jitsu's fundamentals by focusing on battle tested technique, that everyone can perform.
BJJ Int/Advanced:
If you are looking to sharpen your half guard passing or trying to perfect your x-guard this is the class for you. In this class we move beyond Jiu Jitsu's core and into tournament specific development by focusing on specific aspects of each member's game.
BJJ Drilling/Competition Class:
This class is designed to get you in shape to both defend yourself on the street and to perorm well in your upcoming competitions. We include a combination of sport specific exercises and live drilling in this class.
The MMA class is for our aspiring fighters and for our intermediate students who would like to have a better understanding of Self-Defense and MMA.
Kids BJJ:
Our Kids BJJ class is designed to teach your child core Jiu Jitsu, self-defense and coordination in a friendly and disciplined environment.
Open Mat :(waiver required)
This class is open to all Jiu Jitsu practitioners from all schools. It is designed to be a time for you to get to work on whatever you would like, as well as getting to train with a variety of different training partners.
Basic Kickboxing
Free Trial Week Information:(Waiver Required)
For Las Vegas Locals: Please feel welcome to come in and try our free introductory week of training. The goal with this program is to give prospective members time to get a feel for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and our Academy. If you are new to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we recommend that you try to attend as many of the BJJ Core Technique classes as possible. This is our fundamentals class that will be key in the development of your personal Jiu Jitsu game. If you are currently an experienced Jiu Jitsu practitioner and are looking to try our school out please feel free to attend any and all of our available classes during your free week.
Please Bring:
- Sandals: To be worn whenever you are not on the mat in order to keep our mats clean.
- Shorts and a T-shirt or Rash Guard: Basic training attire. If you have not purchased a gi yet, feel free to wear shorts and a t-shirt to the gi classes for your trial week.
- Water (or money to purchase water)
- Mouthpiece